School uniforms

For or even against uniforms in schools?

I am in a Hostess School in which you have to paper writing wear the blue uniform, (tight skirt at the knees and jacket with golden buttons for girls and black pants, blue jacket with golden buttons and yellow and green tie for girls boys) two days a week, and on other days jeans and sneakers are prohibited, decent skirts compulsory for girls. As long as the skirts are not mini-skirts (the uniform is not made to excite the perverts!! Nothing is used to exchange the thongs for “regulatory” miniskirts! ), I find that good because I you admit that this year was the first year in which everyone went to each other without distinction of style, brand, etc. Since everyone is dressed the same, nobody is judged and the contacts are great! Heloise I am totally FOR uniforms, because that brings about a lot of positive things: * Uniforms help supervisors recognize “potential intruders” in the school * Uniforms are much less expensive than the fashionable clothes that students generally want to wear. * Since students are all dressed in the same way, there is no distinction between clothing tastes and above all “financial affluence”. * Students are more disciplined and therefore better able to learn To complement all these ideas, here is a very short interview with a director of a Canadian school (this interview is from a Canadian magazine ): “Before the uniforms were worn in our secondary school, the percentage of students who passed the provincial ministry’s high school exams was 33%, ranking among the lowest in the Montreal region. Today, it reaches 64% ” Nelson, 13, France FOR absolutely, It helps with the differences between rich and poor people, there is no discrimination. I am for wearing a uniform because everyone is equal, it avoids mockery and provocations. OK, well believe that if they put the logo of the establishment it’s ridiculous but there are a lot of people who can’t afford clothes In my opinion for me I think the uniform is a good idea because: we will be accepted by everyone in college then imagine: “a girl who lives in a cabin and who does not have a lot of money and its opposite a girl of mark” roxy, quiksilver, billabong “and the girls who have a woman’s body and who dress with the thong which exceeds me I find that a little limit. So I am for. Morgane, New Caledonia > In my opinion, uniforms in schools are a good idea, on the one hand students cannot wear what they want but on the other hand they save money. Wore the uniforms they would not be complete. In my opinion, I find that the uniforms are restrictive. But also, I find that the uniforms demand respect e of other people. I think if kids want to wear customizable clothes, they can wear them. Ian, 14. I’m against it, it’s stupid and it is useless, and it ruins our personality. Fanny 14 years old. My sister and I are absolutely in the habit of wearing a uniform. This avoids a lot of mockery when we don’t have the latest designer clothes. Since our departure for Guadeloupe my sister and I were enrolled in private colleges where the wearing of a uniform is compulsory for boys and girls. In Guadeloupe we wore sky blue polo shirts with beige Bermuda shorts and beige skirt for girls and sandals for everyone. On our return to France our parents re-enrolled us in a private college where the uniform is always in order: navy blue sweater white shirt navy blue pants for boys and navy blue skirt and white tights for girls with black moccasins for all. From May to September we go to bermudas for boys and sandals for all. Marcel and Marie I am for wearing uniforms in schools. Because we become all equal towards each other. Because we know this very well (if you’re not fashionable; that’s another story). Students will no longer know if the parents of other students are rich or poor for the clothes they wear. I encourage 100% the wearing of the uniform not only high school life, but for all (e) s who suffered misfortunes (to be stupid or taxed, or beaten because of his clothing, etc. ) at school because of the popular people with popular brands. Caro Canada I’m totally in uniform. Like that it’s faster in the morning to get dressed and the girls would be very beautiful in pleated skirts, blouses, white tights, black shoes. Christophe 17 years old (France) I am for uniforms in the school. In my opinion, the clothes a student wears should not determine their “class” in the school. As for me, it is difficult enough for a child to find his social place among others in the school. If uniforms existed

School uniforms

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